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asthras mudgar 100

Not for the beginners. At 100cm length and weight over 11Kg this is the heaviest club in our current series. It will take patience, skill and perseverance to get used to swinging this heavy duty Asthras Mugdar.


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~ 11.5 kg


3 / 10


3 / 10


9 / 10

club and mudgar

Promoting the most primal movement of throwing, pulling, pushing and slashing, that were elementary to human evolution, a perfect harmony of movement in its form.

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crafted from premium materials

Product Reviews

Swinging Indian Clubs with Asthras Flow Club was a unique experience and quite useful for activating the shoulder, elbow and wrist. The outdoors setting for Saturday wokshops is adds to the enthusiasm of participants. Training with clubs can be rejuvenating way to start your day. 

Best wishes to Rahul to continue with his passion and spread this skill far and wide. 

Anil / Banker, Father of two. 

Keep Up the Good Work.

Indian Clubs is a great way to loosen up my stiff shoulder and arm. From the 1st session this year where my right hand could barely touch my left collarbone, my joints are now much more limbered up from the indian club swinging exercises, and my right hand can finally reach over my left shoulders! Indian Clubs are a lot more entertaining fitness than trying to maneuver dumb bells over the shoulders for arm and shoulder strength training.

Yvonne A Tan / Singapore based Student.  

Increased Range of motion from Day one of training with Indian Clubs

Indian Clubs are great for upper body, joint-mobility workout. I appreciate the mind-body connect and exercise in an almost zen-like meditative state, purely focusing on the here and now. 

Priscilla Ho, Singapore based enterpreneur

Meditative Workouts for Mind-Body alignment.

It was a completely new concept for me though would have seen these in movies referencing Indian wresters.

Felt improvement in overall upper body flexibility and shoulder mobility after training with Indian Clubs. Coordination and Balance also improves with club swinging. 

A boon to the office goers who are constantly struggling with frozen shoulders and arms. This is the solution for them.

  • Jayanthy Menon / Working professional, Mother of two

Great Tool For Upper Body, Shoulder Mobility and Balance.

asthras mudgar 100





Not for the beginners. At 100cm length and weight over 11Kg this is the heaviest club in our current series. It will take patience, skill and perseverance to get used to swinging this heavy duty Asthras Mugdar.



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